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  1. Xaykh Junayd ibn Ibrahim (? - 4 de març de 1460) fou el quart xeic safàvida, successor del seu pare Ibrahim com a líder de l'organització a Ardabil el 1447 / 1448. Fou pare de Xaïkh Haydar.

  2. Ḥaydar Sultan Mirza ( persa: شیخ حیدر Shaikh Ḥaidar) ( Diyarbakır, junio/julio de 1459 - Tabasaran, Daguestán, 9 de julio de 1488). 1 Sexto murshid o jeque de la tariqa Safaviyya, fue el sucesor de su padre Junāyd, desde 1460 hasta 1488. Ḥaydar mantuvo las ambiciones políticas iniciadas por su padre.

  3. 22 de ene. de 2016 · Shaykh Djunayd Ṣafawī (d. 1460), the grandfather of Shāh Ismā c īl, had nearly seized the city of Trebizond, about thirty years before the birth of his famous grandson.

  4. First, Djunayd came to the lands of Ottoman sultan Murad II (1421-1451) and asked the latter to give him and his followers a land in the Aydin region. Even though Murad sent money as a gift to Djunayd and his darvlshs, he refused to provide them asylum on the Ottoman territory.

  5. Shaykh Djunayd afawī (d. 1460), the grandfather of Shāh Ismācīl, had nearly seized the city of Trebizond, about thirty years before the birth of his famous grandson. The Trapezuntine nobles left...

  6. Shaykh Djunayd Safawi (d. 1460), the grandfather of Shah Ismacil, had nearly seized the city of Trebizond, about thirty years before the birth of his famous grandson. The Trapezuntine nobles left their sovereigns, the emperor John IV (1429-1459) and, likely, his sister Theodora, the future wife of Uzun Hasan and grandmother of IsmacIl.

  7. Xaïkh Djunayd el va perseguir i aviat va arribar davant els murs de Trebisonda, però després de tres dies es va trobar amb els murs inexpugnables, i va marxar amb el seu exèrcit cap al sud per devastar el districte de Mesochaldia.