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  1. James Kabarebe (born 1959) is a Rwandan retired military officer who has served as a Senior Presidential Adviser on security matters in the government of Rwanda, since 19 October 2018. Kabarebe was a key figure in both the First Congo War and the Second Congo War as a commanding officer.

  2. James Kabare (nacido en 1959) fue el jefe militar de las unidades que comandaron la caída de Mobutu Sese Seko del gobierno de Zaire.

  3. JAMES KABAREBE: Chief of Staff of the The Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF) Army. 17,743 views. 57. Extract from 7 days in Kigali film by Mehdi Ba and Jérémy Frey, © Ladybirds Films - 2014More ...

  4. 31 de jul. de 2012 · In this video, James Kabarebe, the current Rwandan minister of Defense, is speaking about the war in the Congo and days when he was the Congolese army Chief of Staff. He explains how the war in...

  5. 8 de ene. de 2015 · En un movimiento audaz, soldados ruandeses bajo el mando de James Kabarebe secuestraron tres aviones y los volaron a la base del gobierno de Kitona en la costa atlántica (Bajo Congo). Los aviones aterrizaron en el centro de la base Kitona, con una colección variopinta de tropas allí (ex FAZ, sino también elementos de la UNITA de Angola y ex ...

  6. James Kabarebe, né en 1959, est un militaire et homme politique rwandais. Exilé en Ouganda avant 1994, il est officier au sein du Front patriotique rwandais lors de la guerre civile rwandaise, puis dirige les forces rebelles lors de la première guerre du Congo.

  7. James Kabarebe (also known as James Kabare and James Kabarehe) (born 1959 in Rutshuru, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC is a Rwandan military officer who has served in the government of Rwanda as Minister of Defence...