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  1. › wiki › Yu_QiuliYu Qiuli - Wikipedia

    Yu Qiuli (Chinese: 余秋里; pinyin: Yú Qiūlǐ; 15 November 1914 – 3 February 1999) was a Chinese Communist army officer and politician, general of the People's Liberation Army.

  2. 余秋里1914年11月15日1999年2月3日),无产阶级革命家。 江西 吉安 人。 1929年参加吉安县农民暴动和工农红军,1931年5月加入中国共产党。 在革命生涯中,历任赤卫大队中队长、湘赣省苏维埃政府工农检查委员会委员、红军第二军团团政治委员、八路军第一二〇师独立第三支队政治委员、第三五八旅团政治委员、旅政治部主任、第三五八旅政治委员、第一军第一师政治委员、第一军副政治委员。 1935年参加长征。 中华人民共和国成立后,历任西南军政大学副政委、第二高级步兵学校校长兼政治委员、西南军区后勤部部长兼政治委员、军委总财务部部长、总后勤部政委、石油工业部部长、国家计划委员会主任、国务院副总理、解放军总政治部主任、军委副秘书长。 1955年被授予中将军衔。

  3. 5 de jul. de 2008 · Yu Qiuli (1914–1999), also a native of Ji’an, Jiangxi, was Zeng Shan’s comrade-in-arms from the same hometown. He was the head of the “Petroleum Faction” and served as minister of Petroleum Industry for 12 years (1958–1970) and became vice premier and concurrent chairman of the State Planning Commission in January 1975.

  4. Yu Qiuli (Chinese: 余秋里; pinyin: Yú Qiūlǐ; 15 November 1914 – 3 February 1999) was a Chinese Communist army officer and politician, general of the People's Liberation Army. A veteran of the Long March, he held top military and government positions under both Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping and is...

  5. The February Countercurrent ( Chinese: 二月逆流; pinyin: Èryuè nìliú ), also known as the February Adverse Current, [1] refers to the joint efforts by a group of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) veterans to oppose the radicalism at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution. [2] Overview.

  6. › knowpedia › Yu_QiuliYu_Qiuli Knowpia

    Yu Qiuli (Chinese: 余秋里; pinyin: Yú Qiūlǐ; 15 November 1914 – 3 February 1999) was a Chinese Communist army officer and politician, general of the People's Liberation Army.

  7. 20 de feb. de 1999 · YU QIULI was deputy prime minister of China from 1975 until 1982 and was a member of the Chinese Communist Party Politburo.