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  1. Jesus is described by various means in the Quran. The most common reference to Jesus occurs in the form of Ibn Maryam ('son of Mary'), sometimes preceded with another title. Jesus is also recognized as a nabī ('prophet') and rasūl ('messenger') of God.

  2. En el islam, Jesús (en árabe: عيسى ‎, romanizado: ʿĪsā o Isa) se considera como uno de los mensajeros de Dios y el Mesías enviado para guiar al Pueblo de Israel (banī isrā'īl) con una nueva escritura: el evangelio (Injīl). [1]

  3. 20 de dic. de 2019 · Muslims believe that Jesus (called “Isa” in Arabic) was a prophet of God and was born to a virgin (Mary). They also believe he will return to Earth before the Day of Judgment to restore justice...

  4. 25 de jun. de 2019 · In the Quran, there are many stories about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ (called 'Isa in Arabic). The Quran recalls his miraculous birth, his teachings, the miracles he performed by God's permission, and his life as a respected prophet of God.

  5. 9 de abr. de 2019 · The Quran refers to Jesus as the Messiah (al-Maseeh) at least nine times. One of the explanations given by Muslim lexicographers is that Jesus was the Messiah because he anointed the eyes of the blind to cure them (Quran 3:43; Mark 6:13; James 5:14), or because he used to lay hands on the sick. Sign

  6. 23 de dic. de 2021 · Though Muslims accept Jesus (pbuh) as a great prophet, revere his exemplary mother Mary, and believe that Jesus is the Messiah; Muslims do not accept the major concepts that are central to the commemoration of the Easter weekend.

  7. What is Islam’s view of Jesus? 15 Muslims believe that Jesus was a very important prophet of God, and that he was indeed the Messiah awaited by the Jews of ancient Palestine.