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  1. Ṭalḥa ibn al-Ḥasan ( Arabic: طلحة بن الحسن) was a son of Umm Ishaq and Hasan ibn Ali. He was a grandson of the fourth caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib on his father's side and of Talha ibn Ubayd Allah on his mother's side.

  2. Talha Ibn Ubaydullah (en árabe: طلحة بن عبيدالله ‎) (594-656) fue un compañero del profeta islámico Mahoma. En el islam sunita se le conoce en particular por ser uno de los Diez a los que se les Prometió el Paraíso.

  3. Talha bin Ubaidullah (may Allah be pleased with him) was one of the Ashara al-Mubasharîn bi-l-Janna. How did he die? Was it natural death? or, he died in battle?

  4. Musnad Ahmad 1389. It was narrated that Abu Salamah said: Two men from Yemen came to stay with Talhah bin `Ubaidullah. One of them was killed with the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and the other remained for a year after that and then he died in his bed.

  5. Talha Ibn 'Ubaydul-lah (en árabe: طلحة بن عبیدالله) fue uno de los compañeros del Profeta (PBD) y el primo de Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Quhafa, el primer Califa Sunita. Su fama en la historia del Islam se debe a su rebelión contra el Imam Alí (P) y en prender el fuego de la Batalla de Yamal.

  6. Talhah grew in stature as he bore the pain and suffering of being tested in the path of God and His Prophet. He gained the unique reputation among Muslims of being called the "living martyr". The Prophet, peace be on him, also called him "Talhah the Good" and "Talhah the Generous".

  7. Talhah bin `Ubaidullah was shown [in a dream] that the one who died in his bed entered Paradise some time before the other. Talhah mentioned that to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “How long did he live after (the one who died first)?` He said: “One year.”