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  1. Joseph Lucien Charles Napoléon Bonaparte, 3rd Prince of Canino and Musignano (12 February 1824 – 2 September 1865), was born in Philadelphia as the son of Charles Lucien Bonaparte and his wife (and cousin), Zénaïde Bonaparte. Upon his grandfather Joseph Bonaparte's death in 1844, Joseph Lucien inherited the estate at Point Breeze in ...

  2. 18 de may. de 2023 · El golpe del 18 de Brumario (9-10 de noviembre de 1799) fue un golpe de estado incruento ocurrido en Francia que derrocó al gobierno del Directorio y lo reemplazó con el Consulado. El golpe llevó a Napoleón Bonaparte al poder y, según la opinión de muchos historiadores, marcó el fin de la Revolución francesa (1789-1799).

  3. Lucien Bonaparte, 1st Prince of Canino and Musignano (born Luciano Buonaparte; 21 May 1775 – 29 June 1840), was a French politician and diplomat of the French Revolution and the Consulate. He served as Minister of the Interior from 1799 to 1800 and as the president of the Council of Five Hundred in 1799.

  4. 25 de jun. de 2024 · Lucien Bonaparte (born May 21, 1775, Ajaccio, Corsica—died June 29, 1840, Viterbo, Italy) was Napoleon Is second surviving brother who, as president of the Council of Five Hundred at Saint-Cloud, was responsible for Napoleon’s election as consul on 19 Brumaire (Nov. 10, 1799).

  5. Homme politique français, il est député puis président du Conseil des Cinq-Cents en 1799, ministre de l'Intérieur (1799 – 1800) puis tribun ( 1802 ). Il est prince romain de Canino, prince français en 1815, puis prince (romain) de Musignano en 1824 et prince (romain) Bonaparte en 1837.

  6. Joseph Bonaparte (born January 7, 1768, Corte, Corsica—died July 28, 1844, Florence, Tuscany, Italy) was a lawyer, diplomat, soldier, and Napoleon Is eldest surviving brother, who was successively king of Naples (1806–08) and king of Spain (1808–13).

  7. Joseph-Napoléon Bonaparte (born Giuseppe di Buonaparte, Italian: [dʒuˈzɛppe di ˌbwɔnaˈparte]; Corsican: Ghjuseppe Napulione Bonaparte; Spanish: José Napoleón Bonaparte; 7 January 1768 – 28 July 1844) was a French statesman, lawyer, diplomat and older brother of Napoleon Bonaparte.