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  1. La Yeshivá Torah Vodaath es una yeshivá (academia talmúdica) en la tradición judía ortodoxa, ubicada en el vecindario de Kensington, en Brooklyn, Nueva York.

  2. As the mother of the Yeshiva movement in America, Yeshiva Torah Vodaath bears an illustrious legacy of close to one hundred years. For five generations, the visionary foresight of the leadership of Torah Vodaath has hewn the path for a Torah true education and the unprecedented growth of yiddishkeit in this country. Learn More.

  3. Yeshiva & Mesivta Torah Vodaath was founded in 1918 as an elementary school by leaders who were driven by one motivator: to provide scholastic and moral Torah-true training for young Jewish men in a swiftly changing world.

  4. Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky was charged with leading Torah Vodaath, and assisting him was to be Rabbis Linchner and Schorr. All in all, there was no doubt as to whom the leadership of the yeshiva was left to, the two senior Rosh Yeshivas.

  5. 27 de may. de 2021 · Enter Yeshiva Torah Vodaath. For 102 years strong, Torah Vodaath has been a stronghold of Torah-true Hashkafos, rock-solid chinuch, and strict adherence to the guidance of our Gedolim.

  6. La Yeshivá Torah Vodaath es una yeshivá en la tradición judía ortodoxa, ubicada en el vecindario de Kensington, en Brooklyn, Nueva York.

  7. 28 de dic. de 2020 · Yeshiva Torah Vodaath is Boruch Hashem, thriving. Its resurgence continues. In the two years since Horav Yitzchok Lichtenstein shlita became the Rosh Hayeshiva, alongside Horav Yosef Savitsky...