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  1. Jacqueline de Rohan, Marquise de Rothelin (c. 1520 – 1587) was a French court official and aristocrat. She was the daughter of Charles de Rohan and Jeanne de Saint-Severin, and regent of the Neufchâtel and of Valangin during the minority of her son Leonor, Duke de Longueville, Duke d' Estouteville.

  2. Jacqueline de Rohan, marquesa de Rothelin (c. 1520 – 1587) fue una aristócrata y funcionaria de la corte francesa. Era hija de Charles de Rohan y Jeanne de Saint-Severin, y regente de Neufchâtel y de Valangin durante la minoría de edad de su hijo Leonor, duque de Longueville, duque d' Estouteville.

  3. Rothelin, Jacqueline de Rohan, Marquise de (c. 1520–1587) French aristocrat jailed for sheltering Huguenots. Born around 1520; died in 1587; daughter of Charles de Rohan and Jeanne de Saint-Séverin; married François of Orleans-Longueville, marquis de Rothelin (died 1548); children: one son.

  4. Jacqueline de Rohan-Gyé (née vers 1520, morte en 1587) fut par son mariage dame de Blandy et régente au nom de son fils le duc Léonor pour le marquisat de Rothelin et le comté-principauté de Neufchâtel et Valangin.

  5. 12 de jun. de 2017 · Jacqueline de Rohan-Gyé was a French noblewoman of the house of Rohan. Lady of Blandy by marriage, she was regent of Rothelin, Neuchâtel and Valangin for her son Léonor. Converted to Protestantism, she made her castle of Blandy in Brie a refuge for Protestants.

  6. Jacqueline de ROHAN, Marquise de ROTHELIN – Mémoires de Blandy. Entre paroisse protestante et cour du Roi – 1520-1587. Jacqueline de ROHAN recueille les seigneurie de Blandy et vicomté de Melun en 1548 à la mort de son époux François d’Orléans, duc de Longueville et marquis de Rothelin.

  7. JACQUELINE DE ROHAN ROTHELIN, MARQUISE DE (c. 1520-1587), daughter of Charles de Rohan and Jeanne de Saint-Severin. Her husband, Francois of Orleans-Longueville, marquis de Rothelin, died in 1548, and in watching her son's interests in Neuchatel she was brought into contact with the reformers in Switzerland.