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  1. Immensee (1849 and 1851) is a novella by German author Theodor Storm. It was the work that made him famous and remains to this day one of his most widely read.

  2. › download › storm_theodor_1817_1888_immenseeImmensee -

    NOT only is “Immensee” the story by which Theodor Storm achieved his first great success, but it is still the one by which he is best known to the reading public.

  3. Immensee, Theodor Storm. Novela corta alemana de Theodor Storm (1817-1888), publicada en 1852. Es su primera obra y al mismo tiempo una de las más delicadas narraciones de este finísimo novelista.

  4. 1 de dic. de 2022 · Immensee (1849 and 1851) is a novella by German author Theodor Storm. It was the work that made him famous and remains to this day one of his most widely read. Immensee was first published in...

  5. A chronological and comprehensive survey of the most important English and German language criticism about the novella in historical context.Theodor Storm (1817-88), one of the leading...

  6. Immensee (1849 y 1851) es una novela del autor alemán Theodor Storm. Fue la obra que lo hizo famoso y sigue siendo hasta el día de hoy una de las más leídas.

  7. Título: Immensee / Theodor Storm; Autor: Storm, Theodor, 1817-1888; Idioma: inglés ; Institución origen: Proyecto Gutenberg - DE