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  1. Allegra Huston (born 26 August 1964) is a British-American author, editor, and writer based in Taos, New Mexico. She is the author of Love Child: A Memoir of Family Lost and Found and the novel A Stolen Summer ( Say My Name in hardback), How to Edit and Be Edited.

  2. Allegra Huston is the co-author of Write What You Don't Know and the author of Love Child and A Stolen Summer. She offers writing workshops and courses based on the Imaginative Storm method, a revolutionary approach to writing with confidence and creativity.

  3. Allegra Huston is the daughter of actress Maureen O'Hara and director Charles F. Haas. Her memoir, Love Child, tells the story of her fractured childhood and her search for family and identity.

  4. Allegra Huston is the co-founder of the Imaginative Storm writing method and the author of several books, including Love Child and A Stolen Summer. She has also worked as a book editor, a magazine writer, a film producer, and a memoir teacher.

  5. Hija del amor. Un conmovedor relato de la hija adoptiva del famoso director de cine John Huston La temprana muerte de su madre marcó la infancia de Allegra Huston tanto como sus cambios de domicilio: de Londres a Galway, en Irlanda, y posteriormente a Long Island y Los Angeles.

  6. Allegra Huston tenía cuatro años cuando su madre se mató en un accidente de atomóvil. Poco después le presentaron a un hombre intimidante, el legendario cineasta John Huston, con las palabras: "Éste es tu padre".

  7. Allegra Huston tenía cuatro años cuando su madre se mató en un accidente de automóvil. Poco después le presentaron a un hombre intimidante envuelto en humo de cigarro, el legendario cineasta John Huston, con las palabras: "Éste es tu padre."