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  1. In the early 20th century, several Italian immigrant and Italian-American street gangs in South Philadelphia formed what eventually became the Philadelphia crime family. Salvatore Sabella was the first leader of the group that would later bear his name. They busied themselves with bootlegging, extortion, loansharking, and illegal gambling, and it was during the Prohibition era that Sabella and ...

  2. Once de ellos en prisión. Según ha avanzado y ha podido confirmar esta redacción, los once capos han ingresado en prisión, mientras que el resto de los detenidos, consideraros los jardineros de las plantaciones, han quedado en libertad con cargos a la espera de que se celebre el juicio.. En total, se pudieron decomisar 4.000 plantas de marihuana, 42 kilos de cogollos de ...

  3. The Academy Award for Best Original Song is one of the awards given annually to people working in the motion picture industry by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS). It is presented to the songwriters who have composed the best original song written specifically for a film. The performers of a song are not credited with the Academy Award unless they contributed either to ...

  4. › wiki › 19201920 – Wikipedia

    1920 Kapp-Putsch.- Einzug der Marinebrigade Ehrhardt in Berlin, Besetzung Berlins, März 1920 Die Brigade Ehrhardt besetzt während des Kapp-Putsches Berlin.: Lage des Epizentrums des Erdbebens von Haiyuan 1920 Das Erdbeben von Haiyuan fordert 200.000 Tote.: Lage der Stadt Danzig 1937 Danzig wird zur Freien Stadt erklärt.: 1920 in anderen Kalendern ; Armenischer Kalender