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  1. Hace 20 horas · Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is a space telescope for NASA's Explorer program, designed to search for exoplanets using the transit method in an area 400 times larger than that covered by the Kepler mission. It was launched on 18 April 2018, atop a Falcon 9 launch vehicle and was placed into a highly elliptical 13.70-day orbit around the Earth.

  2. Hace 20 horas · Simon J. Berger: Adds to the drama with his dynamic acting skills. How many episodes does End of Summer have? The first series of End of Summer consists of six episodes. End of Summer series 1 Episode Guide: Episode 1: Vera meets a man who resembles her missing brother. (54 mins)

  3. Hace 20 horas · Simon Wolf Oppenheimer (um 1650–1726), jüdischer Bankier, Kaufmann, Hofjude und Finanzier der welfischen Fürsten; Hermann Jakob Czernin von Chudenitz (1659–1710), Diplomat; ... Christian Johann Berger (1724–1789), Professor für Medizin, Chirurgie und Hebammenkunst;

  4. Hace 20 horas · Johann Just von Berger [sv] 109. Théodore Tronchin [en] 110. Esaias Fleischer [sv] 111. Hans Strøm [sv] Hans Strøm [no], Hans Strøm [en] 112. Johann Adolph Schinmeier [sv] Johann Adolph Schinmeier [de] 113. Pierre Élisabeth de Fontanieu [sv] Pierre Élisabeth de Fontanieu [fr]

  5. Hace 20 horas · Ангола: Жоан Абел, Маріо Антоніо ( pt:Mário António), Антоніо Жазінто ( pt:António Jacinto), Антоніо Кардозо ( pt:António Cardoso), Фернандо Коста Андраде ( порт. Francisco Fernando Costa Andrade), Алда Лара ( pt:Alda Lara), Енріке Лопес ...

  6. Hace 20 horas · Pope John Paul II Latin Ioannes Paulus II Polish Jan Paweł II Italian Giovanni Paolo II born Karol Józef Wojtyła Polish

  7. Hace 20 horas · Korps Marinir Amerika Serikat bahasa Inggris United States Marine Corps disingkat USMC adalah cabang dari Angkatan Berse