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  1. Hace 6 horas · On his way out, Ben Bernanke allegedly reminded Janet Yellen that the Fed has to be responsive to Congress since Congress is the 'Fed's Boss' as Bernanke put it. All that puts Fed independence in ...

  2. Hace 22 horas · This is a list of Nobel Prize laureates by country. Listings for Economics refer to the related Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.The Nobel Prizes and the Prize in Economic Sciences have been awarded 567 times to 889 recipients, of which 26 awards (all Peace Prizes) were to organizations.

  3. Hace 22 horas · Referendum, il Pd diventa partito-nazione. Con la promozione del referendum contro l’Autonomia differenziata, assieme a quasi tutte le forze politiche del centrosinistra, alla Cgil di Landini e ...

  4. Former Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke has observed that; "Even a bank that is solvent under normal conditions can rarely survive a sustained run." Source: Ben S. Bernanke, The Courage to Act: The Financial Crisis and Its Aftermath , New York: W.W. Norton, 2015, p. 45.

  5. Hace 9 horas · We have agreed three sets of principles to guide how we build our data revolution: We take a Bank-wide approach, we work from shared systems, common data and collaborate on analysis; We start with ...

  6. Hace 22 horas · Original Liu Xiaobo just past the weekend, a 30,000-word long article swiped the screen, adding another dry wood to the "popularity" of Gu Chaoming, chief economist of the Nomura Research Institute in Japan. Gu Chaoming is...

  7. 9 de jul. de 2024 · Cautare dupa producția. Pagina 316. Ford lanseaza in 2011 un nou model de clasa mica ce va fi produs in Oltenia, iar in 2012 mai incepe productia unui alt model, a declarat presedintele Ford Europa, John Fleming.