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  1. Hace 7 horas · A half dozen women gather to discuss caregiving issues with their instructor Idely Valenzuela as part of the Kith and Kin program. ... Esteban is with other toddlers, singing songs and playing ...

  2. Hace 7 horas · A half dozen women gather to discuss caregiving issues with their instructor Idely Valenzuela as part of the Kith and Kin program. ... Esteban is with other toddlers, singing songs and playing ...

  3. Hace 7 horas · Elvia Elena Nunez and her grandson Esteban spent several months this spring in the Kith and Kin program. A half dozen women — in their 30s, 40s and 50s — gather in a classroom in Phoenix for a few hours on a weekday morning. ... A half dozen women gather to discuss caregiving issues with their instructor Idely Valenzuela as part of the Kith ...

  4. Hace 17 horas · ’’En esta transición no hay olvido, hay continuidad de la Cuarta Transformación; hay justicia para los pueblos originarios, justicia para el pueblo Yaqui’’, destacó Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, virtual Presidenta electa, al asegurar que en su gobierno, los pueblos originarios seguirán siendo una prioridad, esto durante la presentación de resultados del Plan de Justicia para el Pueblo ...

  5. Hace 17 horas · Andrea Hsu/NPR. Konser Meja Kecil: NPR Bagaimana pengasuh keluarga, teman, dan tetangga mengajak orang tua untuk bekerja: NPR Bagaimana keputusan kekebalan Mahkamah Agung memengaruhi kasus hukum Trump: NPR CJ Nickolas telah mengatasi banyak rintangan untuk mencapai Olimpiade. Ia mengincar medali emas taekwondo Sembilan bulan berlalu, kemampuan tempur Qassam semakin kuat

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