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  1. › wiki › OntologyOntology - Wikipedia

    Hace 16 horas · Ontology is the philosophical study of being. As one of the most fundamental concepts, being encompasses all of reality and every entity within it. To articulate the basic structure of being, ontology examines what all entities have in common and how they are divided into fundamental classes, known as categories.An influential distinction is between particular and universal entities.

  2. Hace 16 horas · The goal of this series is not to make an argument so much as lay out a bunch of sources, to let them speak for themselves, and to empower critical thinkers ...

  3. Hace 16 horas · Auf dieser Seite ermittelt der Bot namens Krdbot ( Info, Diskussion) zuoberst automatisiert zu Beginn jedes Monats die Aufrufzahlen von Artikeln aus der Kategorie: Ethnologie (ohne Ethnologen: siehe Top-Biografien, ohne Ethnien: siehe Top-Ethnien-Artikel, ohne Volkskunde: siehe Portal:Volkskunde, ohne Europäisches & Historisches) .

  4. Hace 16 horas · 독일의 세계적 철학자 마르틴 하이데거(Martin Heidegger. 1889~1976)는 1960년대에 프랑스를 방문한 서울대 박종홍 철학교수를 자기 집으로 초대하여 융숭하게 접대한 후 다음과 같이 말했습니다. “‘내가 당신을 왜 초청했는지 아느냐? 바로 한국 사람이기 때문이다.

  5. Hace 16 horas · As a post-doctoral scholar in Freiburg (1966 – 1968), he participated in Martin Heidegger’s seminars on Hegel and Heraclitus and was later a fellow at the Warburg Institute, University of London, from 1974 to 1975.

  6. › Geschiedenis_van_de_westerse_filosofieGeschiedenis van de westerse filosofie

    Hace 16 horas · De geschiedenis van de westerse filosofie heeft betrekking op de filosofische tradities van de westerse wereld Hiermee w

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