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  1. Este documento describe el proyecto de la No-Stop City desarrollado por el grupo Archizoom entre 1970 y 1971. La No-Stop City proponía una ciudad interior sin límites formada por una estructura homogénea de pilares y forjados que albergaría todas las funciones de la ciudad de forma continua e ilimitada. El proyecto reflejaba la influencia del marxismo y el Pop Art, fusionando sociedad ...

  2. ISBN 978-0-9562949-4-4 for all four volumes. Programming After Program: Archizoom’s No-Stop City by Kazys Varnelis One of Archizoom’s early Homogenous Living Diagrams, a purely quantitative representation of the city comprised solely of a typewriter generated field of periods punctuated by a grid of Xs.

  3. Archizoom Associati fu un'azienda fondata nel 1966 a Firenze da 4 architetti: ... Archizoom aspira proprio a liberarsi dell'architettura , in Non Stop City (1970-72) lo spazio continuo e indeterminato del progetto genera una città senza architettura. Scritti del gruppo Archizoom

  4. Archizoom«No Stop City». «No-Stop City» (1969) is an ironic critique of the ideology of architectural modernism taking onto its absurd limits: «The real revolution in radical architecture is the revolution of kitsch: mass cultural consumption,pop art, an industrial-commercial language. There is the idea of radicalizing the industrial ...

  5. No-Stop City is a theoretical project by Archizoom Associate, conceived in 1969. “No-Stop City is a radical analysis of the architecture project and of design, offering a model for an immaterial city without quality, a city dedicated only to the continuous flow of information, technical networks, markets and services; where architecture disappears in a pure “urban semiosphere”, free of ...

  6. 2 de nov. de 2020 · Obviously I’m referring to No-Stop City, developed by Archizoom Associati in 1969. What I’d like to discuss with you or ask you about today, is not only No-Stop City itself, but also its ramifications for your work, as well as its relevance and legacy today. Okay, let’s get started. Let’s start out by trying to understand No-Stop City ...

  7. No-Stop City is a theoretical project by Archizoom Associate, conceived in 1969. “No-Stop City is a radical analysis of the architecture project and of design, offering a model for an immaterial city without quality, a city dedicated only to the continuous flow of information, technical networks, markets and services; where architecture disappears in a pure “urban semiosphere”, free of ...