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  1. Thomas Kyd (pokřtěn 6. listopadu 1558, Londýn – pohřben 15. srpna 1594, tamtéž) byl anglický dramatik pozdní renesance (období tzv. alžbětinského divadla), proslulý díky své tragédii The Spanish Tragedy (asi 1590, Španělská tragédie), která založila tradici tzv. tragédie pomsty a je považována za jakýsi předobraz Shakespearova Hamleta.

  2. Thomas Kyd was born in 1558 and died in 1594. The last years of his life were plagued by the repurcussions of his involvement in what seems to have been subversive political activities together with his friend and some time room-mate, Christopher Marlowe. He was imprisoned and tortured, as was Marlowe. Marlowe was assassinated in Deptford in ...

  3. 托马斯·基德(Thomas Kyd,1558–1594年),英国剧作家。 ... Kyd was arrested and put to the torture in Bridewell. He asserted that he knew nothing of this document and tried to shift the responsibility of it upon Marlowe, but he was kept in prison until after the death of that poet (June 1, 1593). ...

  4. Thomas Kyd ([tɔ́məs kɪ́d], 1558–1594) angol drámaíró és fordító, I. Erzsébet korában nagyban hozzájárult a dráma fejlődéséhez Shakespeare és Christopher Marlowe kortársaként. A születése pontos dátuma azóta is ismeretlen, viszont 1558. november 6-án keresztelték meg a londoni Mary Woolnoth-templomban, majd 1594-ben hunyt el. Szülei Francis Kyd és Anna Kyd voltak.

  5. Thomas Kyd (1558 – 1594) was an English dramatist who gained great popularity in his own day but faded into almost complete obscurity after his death until, centuries later, he was rediscovered. He is now considered by scholars to be one of the most influential dramatists of the early Elizabethan period. Through his play Spanish Tragedy, Kyd introduced the genre of "revenge tragedy" to ...

  6. Thomas Kyd Dramaturgo inglés Nació el 6 de noviembre de 1558 en Londres (Gran Bretaña). Hijo de Francis y Anna Kyd. Se le bautizó en la iglesia de St Mary Woolnoth, en Londres el 6 de noviembre de 1558. Cursó estudios en la Merchant Taylors' School de su ciudad natal.

  7. › english-literature-1500-1799-biographies › thomas-kydThomas Kyd |

    11 de jun. de 2018 · Thomas Kyd. The English dramatist Thomas Kyd (1558-1594) is best known for "The Spanish Tragedy," a play that was a great popular success and did much to influence the course of English tragedy of the late Renaissance.. Thomas Kyd was the son of Francis Kyd, a scrivener, or professional scribe, of London.