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  1. The life of the artist Simeon Solomon reads like the rise and fall of a celebrity. He was born in London on 9 October 1840, the last of eight children in an artistically-inclined middle class Jewish family. His mother Kate Levy Solomon was an amateur artist of miniatures, and his elder siblings Abraham (1823-1862) and Rebecca (1832-1886) were ...

  2. Simeon Solomon, Socrate e Agatodemo. Nel 1873 la sua carriera venne interrotta, quando venne arrestato in un bagno pubblico di Londra e accusato di atti osceni omosessuali e tentata sodomia.Venne condannato a scontare diciotto mesi di lavori forzati in prigione, ma la pena venne in seguito ridotta a libertà vigilata.Solomon scappò in Francia, venne comunque nuovamente arrestato nel 1874 ...

  3. The Simeon Solomon Research Archive is a repository of information about the nineteenth-century Anglo-Jewish artist Simeon Solomon (1840-1905). Its purpose is to encourage research into the work of Simeon Solomon, who until recently was still an obscure Victorian artist known only to those interested in Pre-Raphaelite studies. Over the past ...

  4. シメオン・ソロモン(Simeon Solomon, 1840年 10月9日 - 1905年 8月14日)は、19世紀 イギリスの画家で、ラファエル前派の一員に数えられる。 彼は正統派ユダヤ教徒という出自と、同性愛者として逮捕され没落していった悲劇の画家として知られている。

  5. Simeon Solomon was born into a middle-class Jewish family in London, England on 9 October 1840, the youngest of the eight children of Meyer Solomon and Katherine (née Levy), an amateur miniature painter. Raised in Bishopsgate, he was tutored by his sister, Rebecca (1832-1886), herself a gifted artist and a regular RA exhibitor, employed as a ...

  6. Simeon Solomon: Schadrach, Meschach und Abed-Nego, 1863 Simeon Solomon war das jüngste von acht Kindern einer jüdisch-orthodoxen Familie. Sein Vater importierte Florentinerhüte, seine Mutter zeichnete.Sein Talent als Maler zeigte sich schon früh, und die erste Schulung erhielt er vermutlich durch seinen älteren Bruder Abraham Solomon, der bereits Maler war; auch seine Schwester Rebecca ...

  7. Simeon Solomon was born into a middle-class Jewish family in London, England on 9 October 1840, the youngest of the eight children of Meyer Solomon and Katherine (née Levy), an amateur miniature painter. Raised in Bishopsgate, he was tutored by his sister, Rebecca (1832-1886), herself a gifted artist and a regular RA exhibitor, employed as a ...