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  1. 牛津大学贝利奥尔学院(英語: Balliol College, Oxford , / ˈ b eɪ l i əl / )是牛津大学最著名、最古老的学院之一,以活跃的政治氛围著称,曾经培养出了多位英国首相和其他英国政界的重要人物。 此外该学院也是招收最多外国学生的牛津学院。贝利奥尔学院早期一直是比较不引人注目的学院,直到19 ...

  2. Origins of the Balliol family | Links to Scottish royalty | Burial places | Balliol genealogy. Origins and seats of the Balliol family. The College was founded by John de Balliol in 1263, and was consolidated by the latter’s widow, Dervorguilla of Galloway in 1282.De Balliol was the head of a family which had been prominent land-owners in England and France for several generations.

  3. O Balliol College, fundado em 1263, é uma das instituições de ensino superior constituintes da Universidade de Oxford no Reino Unido. Tradicionalmente, os alunos (undergraduates) encontram-se entre os politicamente mais activos da universidade, e os alumni do instituto incluem vários antigos primeiro-ministros. Balliol atrai mais alunos ...

  4. Balliol College – jedno z kolegiów Uniwersytetu Oksfordzkiego, zrzeszające największą liczbę studentów. Kolegium liczy 403 studentów (undergraduates) i 228 absolwentów (graduates). W 2006 45,1% absolwentów uzyskało dyplomy pierwszej klasy, co jest najlepszym wynikiem ze wszystkich oksfordzkich kolegiów.

  5. Hace 2 días · BALLIOL COLLEGE History of the College 'The most auntient endowed Colledg in Christendome as Sir Hen. Savile was used to affirme' had a humble beginning, and was an unimportant part of the University until the 19th century. In the following sketch an outline is given of its earlier constitutional development and small endowments.

  6. › admissions › undergraduate-admissionsWhy Balliol? | Balliol College

    The Balliol JCR has a reputation for being one of the liveliest and most active in Oxford, and it is unique in the level of input it makes to College life. The JCR Committee administers a substantial budget, liaises with the College about students’ needs and interests, and has a voice on key College committees.