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  1. Frances Polidori (en) John William Polidori ( Londres, 7 de setembre de 1795 - Londres, 24 d'agost de 1821) va ser un metge i escriptor anglès . Era fill de l'escriptor Gaetano Polidori, un italià emigrat a Londres. John va rebre una formació científica i humanística molt completa i avançada. Va cursar Medicina a la Universitat d'Edimburg ...

  2. 25 de sept. de 2023 · From the perspective of the late twentieth/early twenty-first century, the aristocratic vampire was as much a creation of the cinema and popular culture. This chapter is a supplement to The Vampire: A New History (Yale, 2020); “Polidori’s ‘The Vampyre’: Composition, Publication, Deception”, Romanticism 28.1 (April 2022), 46–59; and ...

  3. All the children drew and wrote – thanks to grandpa Polidori’s private printing press, Gabriel and his younger sister Christina were both published authors in their teens – but only Gabriel ...

  4. John William Polidori (n.7 septembrie 1795 – d. 24 august 1821) a fost un scriitor și medic englez, având descendenți italieni. Numele lui este asociat cu mișcarea romantică, creditat drept creatorul romanelor fantastice cu vampiri.Cea mai cunoscută, dintre lucrările sale, este narațiunea scurtă, publicată în 1819, Vampirul (The Vampire).Fiind prima lucrare literară de acest gen ...

  5. Gaetano Polidori (maternal grandfather) John William Polidori (maternal uncle) Maria Francesca Rossetti (17 February 1827 – 24 November 1876) was an English author and nun. She was the sister of artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Michael Rossetti, and of Christina Georgina Rossetti, who dedicated her 1862 poem Goblin Market to Maria.

  6. Información El Vampiro. Autor: John William Polidori. Fecha de publicación: 1819. Personajes principales: Aubrey: Un joven inglés que conoce a Lord Ruthven y se ve envuelto en una serie de eventos relacionados con vampiros. Lord Ruthven: Un hombre misterioso de origen desconocido que entra en la alta sociedad londinense y tiene un oscuro secreto. Resumen breve: Aubrey acompaña a Lord ...

  7. Christina Rossetti; Frances Mary Lavinia Rossetti (née Polidori) by Dante Gabriel Rossetti chalk, 1877 16 3/4 in. x 19 in. (425 mm x 483 mm) Given by the sitter's brother, William Michael Rossetti, 1895