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  1. Watership Down is a 2018 British-American animated television miniseries directed by Noam Murro. It is the third adaption of the 1972 novel by the same name, written by Richard Adams. The miniseries will be adapted by Tom Bidwell and directed by Noam Murro. There will be four parts to the miniseries.

  2. 14 de oct. de 1978 · down是指开阔的高地,而Watership Down沃特希普高地,是英国汉普郡的一个小山,是作者长大的地方。 故事是根据一个父亲将给女儿们的小说改编的。 故事就是从这个上古时候的神,Frith梵斯开始的...

  3. The titular hill, Watership Down, is a real hill in north Hampshire, England, about six miles southwest of the town where Adams was born and raised. Adaptable. Watership Down has been adapted for television, theater, radio, and even a role-playing game entitled Bunnies and Burrows. Perhaps its most famous adaptation is that of a 1978 animated ...

  4. Watch Watership Down | Netflix Official Site. O adaptare a clasicului roman scris de Richard Adams în care iepurii dintr-o colonie luptă cu numeroase pericole în aventura lor curajoasă de a găsi o casă nouă.

  5. 英國 漢普郡北區的瓦特希普高原,攝於1975年。 《瓦特希普高原》(原題:Watership Down,中國大陸譯名:沃特希普荒原)是以一群野兔為主角的英雄式奇幻小說,由已故英國作家理察·亞當斯所作。 故事描寫了以主角榛子為首的一群野兔們逃離即將被人類毀滅的兔場,追尋新的家園,而在一路上遭遇 ...

  6. Watership Down Review. Watership Down (1972) is a captivating tale about a group of rabbits who embark on a perilous journey to find a new home. Here's why this book is worth reading: Its richly developed characters and intricate world-building draw readers into a unique and compelling story. With its exploration of themes like friendship ...

  7. Watership Down. With this passion project, screenwriter-producer-director Martin Rosen brilliantly achieved what had been thought nearly impossible: a faithful big-screen adaptation of Richard Adams’s classic British dystopian novel about a community of rabbits under terrible threat from modern forces.

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