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  1. › library › EncAntitrust - Econlib

    Antitrust also increases transaction costs because firms must hire lawyers and often must litigate to avoid antitrust liability. One of the most worrisome statistics in antitrust is that for every case brought by government, private plaintiffs bring ten. The majority of cases are filed to hinder, not help, competition.

  2. 28 de sept. de 2023 · The U.S. Federal Trade Commission filed a long-awaited antitrust lawsuit against on Tuesday and asked the court to consider forcing the online retailer to sell assets as the government ...

  3. Kebijakan Antitrust : Pengertian dan Perkembangannya. Istilah antitrust, yang tumbuh dari kebijakan penghilangan kepercayaan AS pada akhir abad kesembilan belas, berkembang selama abad kedua puluh untuk berkonotasi pada serangkaian kebijakan yang mempengaruhi persaingan. Baik diterapkan melalui undang-undang persaingan AS, Eropa, atau nasional ...

  4. Antitrust laws are relevant to companies looking to expand, needing to defend themselves against attacks from competitors and antitrust agencies, and wanting to keep their businesses focused on commercial issues rather than on litigation and seemingly endless investigations.

  5. 20 de ago. de 2013 · Undang-undang antitrust bertujuan untuk menghentikan penyalahgunaan kekuatan pasar oleh perusahaan-perusahaan besar dan, terkadang, untuk mencegah merger dan akuisisi perusahaan yang akan menciptakan atau memperkuat monopoli. Ada perbedaan besar dalam kebijakan antitrust baik antar negara dan dalam negara yang sama dari waktu ke waktu.

  6. 12 de nov. de 2021 · The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 made monopolies and trusts illegal. More than two decades later, the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914 expanded the Sherman Act by prohibiting business activities ...

  7. Se stai cercando l'autorità amministrativa italiana, vedi Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato. La legislazione antimonopolistica, spesso indicata con il termine inglese antitrust, nel lessico giuridico definisce il complesso delle norme che sono poste a tutela della concorrenza sui mercati economici.

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