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  1. Downside School, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, Radstock, Somerset, BA3 4RJ. 01761 235100. Reg Charity Number: 1184700 Reg Company Number: 11751009

  2. Delicious, sustainable, varied and nourishing – food at Downside is a serious matter! We proudly partner with Holroyd Howe, an award-winning caterer, to manage the important business of food at Downside. We understand that food is a vital part of your child’s wellbeing and happiness whilst they are at school. Food is such an vital part of ...

  3. Barlow House. Barlow is named after St Ambrose Barlow, a monk of the community of St Gregory the Great, who was martyred in 1641. Fourth Form boys (Year 10) share a dormitory, with individual cubicles. Fifth and Sixth Form boys (Years 11, 12 and 13) have their own study bedrooms. House Colours: Black & White.

  4. 1 de mar. de 2019 · The Downside School lecture series continued this week with an excellent, thought provoking talk by renowned writer and campaigner Natasha Devon MBE. Natasha’s talk focused on mental health, body image and social equality. Some of her examples talked about how our brains are tricked by modern media into reinforcing body image stereotypes and ...

  5. To develop the school’s community facilities and resources through strategic stewardship. Our Values. Downside, as a leading Catholic school, maintains an ethos that is just as strong today as it was when the School was founded in 1606. Today, we focus on eight core aspects of a Benedictine school education.

  6. Downside School 位於英格蘭西南部 Somerset 郡,是英國少數天主教寄宿男女校,擁有超過 400 年歷史,而且寄宿生比例高。佔地 500 英畝的校園位於鄰近聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)世界遺產古城 Bath 及大城市 Bristol 的郊區,四周綠樹環繞,寧靜舒適,設於校園內的 ...

  7. › school › downside-schoolDownside School - 英識教育

    Downside School 是位於英格蘭西南部 Somerset 的男女天主教私校,佔地 500 畝。學校在學期末和期中長假期會提供前往倫敦 Richmond、Heathrow 機場和 Bath Spa 火車站的公車服務。Downside School 是三大天主教學校之一,有悠久歷史,在 1606 年於法國成立。