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  1. 16 de may. de 2022 · Das Tumbler-Glas bereitstellen und mit viel Eis füllen. In der Regel reicht ein großer Eiswürfel aus, mehrere kleine funktionieren ebenfalls. Anschließend Scotch Whisky und Drambuie abmessen und in das Glas geben. Den Rusty Nail mit dem Barlöffel gründlich verrühren und wahlweise mit Zitronenzeste garniert servieren. Vorbereitung 1 Min.

  2. Instructions for Preparation. To create a Rusty Nail, start by pre-chilling an old-fashioned glass. Then, add fresh ice to the glass. Measure and our 45 ml (1.5 oz) of Scotch whisky and 30 ml (1 oz) of Drambuie over the ice. Stir gently to mix and chill the drink without over-diluting.

  3. 27 de jun. de 2023 · In a mixing glass or cocktail shaker, combine the Scotch whisky and Drambuie. Add ice to the mixing glass or cocktail shaker and stir gently for about 20-30 seconds to chill and dilute the cocktail. Discard the ice from the chilled glass and strain the cocktail into the glass. Optionally, garnish the drink with a lemon twist or an orange peel.

  4. 30 de nov. de 2023 · Der Rusty Nail ist ein klassischer Cocktail mit unverwechselbaren Geschmack. Dieses einfache, aber kultige Getränk begeistert Cocktail-Liebhaber seit Jahrzehnten. Die genauen Ursprünge des Rusty Nail sind nicht ganz klar, aber man nimmt an, dass er in den 1950er oder 1960er Jahren entstanden ist. Die Erfindung dieses Cocktails wird, je ...

  5. 23 de feb. de 2015 · Il Rusty Nail è uno dei cocktails codificati IBA.Il termine Rusty Nail vuol dire letteralmente “Chiodo Arrugginito“, dato che il suo colore ricorda prorpio quello del ferro ossidato .Svariate sono le storie che si raccontano sul suo conto, c’è chi dice sia nato nel 1942 da un Barman che creò la miscela in onore dell’artista Theodore Anderson, e chi invece suppone che sia stato ...

  6. 15 de jun. de 2024 · Rusty Nail, a long forgotten classic cocktail popular in the 1950’s-60’s, was said to be Frank Sinatra’s favorite cocktail. It consists of just two ingredients-Scotch Whiskey (an oak barrel aged whiskey made only in Scotland) and Drambuie (a Scotch based liqueur blended with heather honey, herbs and spices, also from Scotland). The cocktail originated in […]

  7. 27 de jun. de 2023 · In a mixing glass or cocktail shaker, combine the Scotch whisky and Drambuie. Add ice to the mixing glass or cocktail shaker and stir gently for about 20-30 seconds to chill and dilute the cocktail. Discard the ice from the chilled glass and strain the cocktail into the glass. Optionally, garnish the drink with a lemon twist or an orange peel.