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  1. Meganeura monyi was a species of flying insect that lived during the Carboniferous period, about 300 million years ago. It is believed to be related to modern dragonflies, and is the largest known flying insect species - it had a wingspan of about 75 cm. Meganeura was a carnivore and is believed to have fed on other insects as well as small amphibians. There has been a lot of debate about why ...

  2. 2 de sept. de 2018 · Meganeura, a star of the French Museum collection. This unique specimen in the world is a giant dragonfly that lived 300 million years ago in the huge equatorial warm forests that at the time ...

  3. MEGANEURA. Meganeura (gr. «grandes nervios», en relación a la red de nervios de sus alas) es un género extinto de insectos protodonatos de la familia Meganeuridae. Entre sus especies se encuentra Meganeura monyi, un insecto de gran parecido con las libélulas actuales, con las que está emparentado, que vivió en el período Carbonífero ...

  4. Meganeura. Meganeura monyi je vyhynutý druh hmyzu (jediný z rodu Meganeura) z čeľade Meganeuridae.. Býva často označovaná ako žijúca fosília.To preto, že sa táto pravážka od svojho vzniku, ku ktorému došlo na prelome devónu a karbónu, do dnešných dní príliš nezmenila.Ubralo z nej hlavne na veľkosti, pretože impozantných 75 cm v rozpätí krídel už nikdy neskôr ...

  5. Meganeura monyi wurde in den stephanischen Kohleflözen von Commentry, Département Allier in Frankreich in den 1880er Jahren gefunden. Sie lebte im Oberkarbon und wurde 1885 durch den französischen Paläontologen Charles Brongniart beschrieben. Heute wird das Exemplar dieser Art im Muséum national d’histoire naturelle in Paris aufbewahrt. Sie gehörte mit einer Flügelspannweite von, je ...

  6. Meganeura was a predator, feeding on other insects and small animals. Its large size and powerful jaws made it a formidable hunter in its time. Fun fact: Meganeura Monyi is one of the largest known species of flying insects, with a wingspan of over 70 centimeters.

  7. 4 de sept. de 2023 · Meganeura’s influence on modern science fiction and fantasy cannot be overlooked. Its portrayal as a colossal and menacing insect has served as a source of inspiration for many authors and artists, shaping their creations and enriching our imaginative landscapes. In conclusion, Meganeura remains an enthralling creature from the ancient past.