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  1. 19 de dic. de 2019 · L’Ophelia by Sir John Everett Millais è stata analizzata per bene nel 1967. Quell’anno lo strato di tela presente sul retro del quadro è stato rimosso. Gli esperti hanno notato subito il marchio di Charles Roberson (l’uomo da cui il pittore ha acquistato le 2 tele).

  2. ジョン・エヴァレット・ミレーSir John Everett Millais. 初代 准男爵 サー・ ジョン・エヴァレット・ミレー ( 英語: Sir John Everett Millais, 1st Baronet, 1829年 6月8日 - 1896年 8月13日 )は、 19世紀 の イギリス の 画家 。. ラファエル前派 の一員に数えられる。. ミレイ と ...

  3. Ophelia. John Everett Millais Around 1851. Tate Britain. London, Reino Unido. This is the drowning Ophelia from Shakespeare's play Hamlet. Picking flowers she slips and falls into a stream. Mad with grief after her father's murder by Hamlet, her lover, she allows herself to die. The flowers she holds are symbolic: the poppy means death, daisies ...

  4. 8 de oct. de 2022 · The famous Ophelia (1851–1852) oil-on-canvas was painted by John Everett Millais, who was part of the pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood art group, and one of its founders. The painting depicts the moment Ophelia is about to drown, surrounded by a myriad of flowers symbolizing aspects of what she experienced, from life and love to death.

  5. Ophelia is one of the most popular Pre-Raphaelite works in the Tate collection. The painting was part of the original Henry Tate Gift in 1894. Millais’s image of the tragic death of Ophelia, as she falls into the stream and drowns, is one of the best-known illustrations from Shakespeare’s play Hamlet.. The Pre-Raphaelites focused on serious and significant subjects and were best known for ...

  6. John Everett Millais, Ofelia (1851 circa; alla Tate Britain). Le opere giovanili di Millais vennero realizzate secondo la poetica dei preraffaelliti e tutti o quasi furono oggetto di violente controversie da parte dei critici. Tra i più criticati, spicca senza dubbio Cristo nella casa dei genitori (titolo originale: Christ in the House of his Parents) del 1850, che sconvolse pubblico e ...

  7. Ophélie, en anglais Ophelia, est un tableau du peintre britannique John Everett Millais réalisé en 1851-1852. Cette huile sur toile représente Ophélie, un personnage de fiction de la tragédie Hamlet, de William Shakespeare, chantant juste avant sa noyade. Elle fait partie d'une exposition avec Un huguenot, le jour de la Saint-Barthélemy, un autre tableau de Millais de cette année.