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  1. 15 de abr. de 2018 · When you do the right thing, you’re also giving yourself a boost in self-esteem. Knowing what’s right and doing it are the hallmarks of personal integrity. Doing the right thing can be contagious.

  2. 2 de abr. de 2010 · Finally, those who do the right thing are aware of the large and immediate and specific consequences of what they do. The implications are clear, for employers, teachers, parents, and everyone ...

  3. 19 de jun. de 2011 · In personal life, doing things right might mean following societal norms or expectations, while doing the right things means making decisions based on your personal values and goals. For example ...

  4. 7 de dic. de 2021 · Carl Jung. On December 15, 1933, Jung responded to a woman who had asked his guidance on, quite simply, how to live. Two generations after the young Nietzsche admonished that “no one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life,” Jung writes: Dear Frau V., Your questions are unanswerable because you want ...

  5. 11 de oct. de 2018 · Ethical Leadership and Doing the Right Thing. The continuum goes from small and close to large and far-reaching, represented by the seven lenses of her book's title. These are profit, law, character, people, communities, planet, and the greater good. If we view all of our decisions through these seven lenses, we can be pretty confident that we ...

  6. ドゥ・ザ・ライト・シング (Do the right thing) とは、「(人として)正しいことをする、当然のことをする」という意味の言葉。特にアメリカ人が非常に好んで使うフレーズで、「理屈や損得ではなく、まっとうなことをする、まともじゃないことはしない」という意味で使われる。

  7. Definition of Do The Right Thing. Make a decision that is honest and benefits everybody. Example: The employee had to make a tough decision about the problem the company faced, but decided to do the right thing. Usage of "Do The Right Thing" by Country