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  1. BRASILLACH, ROBERT (1909–1945) BIBLIOGRAPHY. French writer and right-wing journalist. Having completed his studies at the prestigious École Normale Supérieure in 1928, Robert Brasillach began a journalistic career two years later that continued throughout his short life.

  2. En 1944, Robert Brasillach, arrêté et emprisonné à Fresnes, est condamné à mort pour ses écrits dans Je suis partout. Ne ce faisant aucune illusion sur le résultat des recours déposés par son avocat ou de la demande en grâce signée par les plus grands écrivains français et adressée au général De Gau...

  3. Kaplan, Alice. The Collaborator: The Trial and Execution of Robert Brasillach. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000. Pp. 308. Among French literary fascists who collaborated with the Germans and supported the Nazi cause during World War II, perhaps no figure is more emblematic than Robert Brasillach.

  4. 31 de mar. de 2020 · 1,686 words “The James Dean of French Fascism.”– Alice Kaplan, author of The Collaborator: The Trial and Execution of Robert Brasillach (2001) Such a description of the puny, bespectacled, and boyish-looking poet — especially coming from the daughter of a Nuremberg prosecutor — seems to be either thinly barbed facetiousness or malignant irony.

  5. Plataforma de difusión disidente a la memoria del poeta mártir de la juventud Robert Brasillach. Click to read Asociación Cultural Robert Brasillach, by Asociación Robert Brasillach, a Substack publication with hundreds of subscribers.

  6. "Robert Brasillach" published on by null. (1909–45).French novelist, political journalist, and literary critic. His career took off with his appointment to L'Action française in 1931, and his strong belief in international fascism was promulgated in ...

  7. istique de Robert Brasillach," Cahiers des Amis de Robert Brasillach, 6 (May 1956), 17-27. THE FASCISM OF ROBERT BRASILLACH 607 force est possible, was the bible of many young fascists in France,9 but Maurras himself could hardly have impressed anyone as a potential French Mussolini.

  1. Búsquedas relacionadas con Robert Brasillach

    asociación cultural Robert Brasillach