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  1. Leofwine Godwinson (født ca. 1035, død 4. oktober 1066) var en yngre bror av kong Harald Godwinson, og den femte sønnen av Godwin, jarl av Wessex. Da familien ble forvist fra England i 1051 dro Leofwine sammen med Harald til Irland. Han kom tilbake til England det påfølgende året sammen med resten av familien.

  2. Leofwine Godwinson, Graf von Kent (1035–1066) Gunhilda von Wessex, (ca. 1035–1080) Ælfgifu von Wessex, (ca. 1035) Wulfnoth Godwinson, (1035–1094) Godwin starb am 15. April 1053 bei einem Essen mit Eduard. Sein Sohn Harold folgte ihm als Graf von Wessex. Nach dem Tod des kinderlosen Eduard wurde er auch König von England.

  3. Thor Longus Leofwinesson was born in 1030, in Denmark, Curry, Oregon, United States as the son of Leofwine Godwinson Earl of Kent. He married Lady Aelfwyn of Mercia about 1029, in England. They were the parents of at least 1 son. He died on 15 December 1107, in Crawford, Lanarkshire, Scotland, at the age of 77.

  4. Leofwine Godwinson (1035 – 1066)was a younger brother of Harold II of England, the fifth son of Godwin. When the Godwin family was exiled from England in 1051 he went with Harold to Ireland. After the death of his father in 1053 he was made earl of Kent. He was killed alongside Harold and Gyrth in the Battle of Hastings.

  5. Leofwine Godwinson (vers 1035 – 14 d'octubre de 1066) va ser un dels germans petits del rei Harold Godwinson, el cinquè fill del comte Godwin. Quan la família Godwin va ser exiliada d'Anglaterra el 1051 va marxar amb Harold a Irlanda, on van ser acollits per Diarmait mac Máel na mBó , rei de Leinster .

  6. Leofwine Godwinson; Información profesional; Ocupación: Estadista: Godwin de Wessex (en inglés antiguo: Godwine) fue uno de los señores más poderosos de Inglaterra durante el reinado de Canuto el Grande y sus sucesores, habiendo sido nombrado por el rey conde de Wessex. Ascendencia. Nacido ...

  7. Leofwine Godwinson was born around 1035 and was the fifth son of Earl Godwin, becoming a younger brother of King Harold Godwinson. In 1051, when the Godwin family faced exile from England, he accompanied Harold to Ireland, finding refuge with Diarmait mac Máel na mBó, the King of Leinster. He is believed to have returned to England with his ...