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  1. Ashdown House wurde vom Architekten Benjamin Latrobe 1794 fertiggestellt. [1] Latrobe war später am Bau des Kapitols in Washington, D.C. beteiligt und entwarf auch das nahegelegene Landhaus Hammerwood Park in East Sussex. Auch der Front- Portikus des Weißes Hauses in Washington stammt von ihm.

  2. Ashdown Forest is an ancient area of open heathland occupying the highest sandy ridge-top of the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It is situated some 30 miles (48 km) south of London in the county of East Sussex, England.

  3. 17 de sept. de 2021 · Danescroft submitted plans for the development of Ashdown House at the end of 2020, which, it says, would see 152 new homes, a new community centre and the new food store accessed from Sedlescombe Road North.

  4. Ashdown House Level 0

  5. Any which way you arrive at Ashdown Park Hotel involves a drive across Ashdown Forest – home to Winnie the Pooh, a windmill, and 6,500 acres of heather and heathlands, wooded paths and fantastic views across to the South Downs.

  6. Escape to the great British countryside and visit our Jacobean manor with 120 acres of beautiful gardens for you to explore. Our extraordinary 5 Star Hotel in West Sussex, Alexander House & Utopia Spa, is the perfect destination for a romantic getaway, a relaxing spa experience, a grand celebration or an intimate gathering with the ones you love.

  7. Ashdown House. Concerned about continuing outbreaks of the plague in London, William aspired to build Elizabeth a small palace in the countryside. Aware of her love of hunting, he chose Ashdown as the site for her hunting lodge but Elizabeth died before the house was completed. She bequeathed William her papers, hunting trophies and portraits ...