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  1. Dr Spencer Reid jest jednym z agentów specjalnych BAU . Najmłodszy agent FBI, posiada 3 doktoraty, Zna się na statystykach i profilach geograficznych. Reid jest geniuszem, jego IQ wynosi 187, potrafi czytać 20,000 słów na minutę. Ma pamięć ejdetyczną, czyli posiada zdolność odtwarzania złożonych obrazów, dźwięków i innych obiektów z bardzo dużą dokładnością, którą ...

  2. Matthew Gray Gubler is an Emmy award-winning actor, director, producer, painter, and voice over actor from Las Vegas, Nevada. While studying film directing at NYU he interned for Wes Anderson who gave him his first feature film role as Bill Murray's loyal intern "Nico" in The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004). For the past eleven years, Gubler has starred as the lovable genius Dr. Spencer ...

  3. Tiến sĩ Spencer Reid là đặc vụ FBI làm việc tại Đơn vị phân tích hành vi tội phạm. Anh là một thiên tài với khả năng tự học cao. Anh cũng là một trong số ít những nhân vật chính của phim có mặt xuyên suốt từ đầu phim đến bây giờ. Reid tốt nghiệp cấp ba khi mới 12 tuổi. Từ khi anh còn nhỏ, bố anh, William ...

  4. Spencer Reid is one of the main characters and one of the longest to date in Criminal Minds. Reid is the genius on the team. With an eidetic memory, his IQ is 187 and he can read 20,000 words per minute. He is the youngest member of the BAU. He is portrayed by Matthew Gray Gubler. Reid is a young Caucasian man who tends to dress uniformly. He is always seen wearing a collared shirt along with ...

  5. 25 de nov. de 2022 · Lancé le 24 novembre sur la plateforme Paramount+ aux États-Unis, le revival d’Esprits Criminels a expliqué l’absence du personnage de Spencer Reid dans ses deux premiers épisodes. On vous dit tout…. Attention, spoilers ! La série policière Esprits Criminels a fait son grand retour, ce jeudi 24 novembre 2022, outre-Atlantique avec ...

  6. 21 de ago. de 2023 · Episodios. Páginas. ¿Spencer Reid a la vista? Resumimos un encuentro esperanzador entre dos personajes de “Criminal Minds”... 21 Agosto 2023. A medida que la temporada 16 de la popular serie "Criminal Minds" se acerca a su clímax, una noticia emocionante ha cautivado a los seguidores y ha encendido la anticipación para la próxima entrega.

  7. 24 de nov. de 2022 · Scheduling Conflicts: Spencer Reid’s Exit From Criminal Minds Evolution. In the original series, Reid is an actual genius among an extremely talented group of people. He has PhDs in mathematics, engineering, and chemistry and BAs in psychology and sociology, and when ‘Criminal Minds’ ends, he is in the process of acquiring another BA in ...

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