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  1. A flurry of attention is currently being paid to Henry Sidgwick. There have been more monographs devoted exclusively to him published in the last dozen years than in the whole of the last century. The most notable of this recent work is David Phillips's Sidgwickian Ethics (Oxford 2011) and Mariko Nakano-Okuno's Sidgwick and Contemporary ...

  2. Henry Sidgwick (31. květen 1838 – 28. srpen 1900) byl anglický filozof a ekonom.Byl představitelem utilitarismu.Zaobíral se silně též parapsychologií a bojoval za právo žen na vyšší vzdělání.. Jeho nejvýznamnější knihou je The Methods of Ethics z roku 1874, kterou John Rawls označil za "první skutečně akademickou práci o morálce". ". Věřil v přirozenou ...

  3. 5 de oct. de 2004 · Henry Sidgwick was one of the most influential ethical philosophers of the Victorian era, and his work continues to exert a powerful influence on Anglo-American ethical and political theory. His masterpiece, The Methods of Ethics (1907), was first published in 1874 and in many ways marked the culmination of the classical utilitarian tradition ...

  4. 17 de may. de 2017 · Henry Sidgwick is today remembered as a later nineteenth-century moral philosopher who struggled with his Christian faith, having difficulty reconciling this with an emergent modern and secular philosophy. In this paper, it is suggested that the only accurate part of this statement relates to the century in which Henry Sidgwick lived.

  5. Article Summary. Henry Sidgwick was a Cambridge philosopher, parapsychologist, political economist, and educational reformer, whose works in ethical and political philosophy, especially The Methods of Ethics (1874), brought classical utilitarianism to its peak of theoretical sophistication and drew out the deep conflicts within that tradition ...

  6. 1 de ene. de 2017 · Henry Sidgwick is usually regarded as the third greatest classical utilitarian, after Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, and his masterpiece The Methods of Ethics (1874) is a classic of philosophical ethics. But Sidgwick was a many-sided late Victorian intellectual who should also be counted, with Alfred Marshall, as one of the leading figures in the Cambridge School of economics.

  7. 1 de sept. de 2014 · Such alterations as were made by Professor Sidgwick in this edition prior to p. 276 will be found chiefly in chapters i.-v. and ix. of Book i., and chapters iii. and vi. of Book ii. The Appendix on “The Kantian Conception of Free Will,” promised in note 1 on p.